Our training programs are based on the integrative model that we follow in our therapy. After working with over 10000 plus individuals with depression and/or anxiety, 3000 plus couples and 750 individ...
CEDAR certification in Depression counselling
Depression affects 23% of the world population. As compared to that, there are not enough counsellors available. India has an even worse picture, because of the stigma attached with mental health, and the few numbers of mental health professionals. Suicide rates in our country is rising day by day. Our aim is to help a larger number of people in a way that they always have someone next door, equipped with counselling skills who can help them out of their immediate misery.
The 32 hour certification in Depression counselling includes the following modules
The mind, Personality & Depression-get to know what's hidden within
Learn Micro-skills of counselling along with basics of CBT
Be ready to become a counsellor by knowing more about real counselling skills and values
Learn how to assess depression and get a feel of various therapies
Learn how to apply different techniques to help someone with depression
In this module, you will be given a fundamental understanding of psychology. How does the mind work, where do thoughts and emotions come from and what makes each person so unique and different. Most importantly which theories of personality gives us answers about depression and can help you understand depression better.
You will also learn more about depression and what are the different types of depression. This module will give you all the clarity you require in understanding depression and also identifying levels of depression in others.
Once you get an in depth understanding about depression, you will learn micro skills of counselling using real depression cases.
1. Learn what are the right ways of using micro skills of counselling
2. Practically apply the right micro skills in the right context
3. Learn basics of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
4. Get a chance to observe CBT in action by a practicing psychologist
5. Understand attachment styles and how to apply the attachment theory to Depression
module 02
Cognitive behavioural therapy, rational emotive behavioural therapy
This module focuses on you transitioning from counselling to doing therapy.
In the last module, you focused on the basics of CBT. In this module, there will be in depth study and learning about CBT as well as REBT. You will also be introduced to Psychodynamic theories.
You will be encouraged and guided on how to hone your counselling skills and find your technique with which you are comfortable.
1. Learn to use CBT, REBT and Micro skills of counselling in practical scenarios involving tough relationships, break ups, job burnout, family problems and existential crisis.
2. Learn how to assess depression and its types along with severity.
module 03
8 hours
Enter the world of 3 Psychodynamic theorists, namely Alfred Adler, Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud.
1. Learn to identify subconscious patterns
2. Know what are archetypes and how to use Jungian concepts in therapy
3. Learn Free association and basics of dream interpretation and other Freudian concepts in therapy
4. Using Adlerian Individual Psychology in therapy
module 04
1. Learn advanced concepts of Psychodynamic therapies
2. Apply them in combination with CBT, REBT and micro skills of counselling
3. Using Intergrative therapy in practice
module 05
This is a very special module, where you get to work on your own emotions as a counsellor. This is optional for people who do not wish to practice counselling professionally. You will get an opportunity to go through various techniques to work on your self and be more emotionally prepared, with a heightened sense of self awareness within.
CEDAR certification in Couple Therapy in the Indian context
Relationship counselling is a challenge, because there is one more individual involved. It is very easy for a couple therapist to get lost into the arguments of a couple. Sometimes, there are ethical issues, where the counselor finds herself/himself biased against one partner. In this training program, you will learn how to handle a couple, what your goals as a couple counselor should be and how you can help couples find a healthy balance in their relationship. A successful couple therapy can make or break a relationship. You will be equipped to handle relationships better with this certification.
This course covers all the facets of Indian couples and the struggles they go through. Typically issues like dealing with in laws, financial conflicts, issues arising out of difference in culture, management of roles in a couple, parenting related conflicts, etc. which are unique to the Indian population.
Methodologies like Gottman method, Emotion Focused Therapy, Cognitive behaviour couple therapy and Solution focused therapy will be taught in this course and students will be equipped to handle cases practically with the help of demonstrations, session observations, role play.
1. Understanding couple dynamics in India and the influence of family
2. Observation of body language and root cause analysis between a couple
3. Understanding limitations of western couple therapy interventions and when and how to use them with the Indian population
4. Counselling skills in couple therapy
5. Therapeutic techniques in couple therapy
6. Managing bias in couple therapy
1. Dealing with gridlocks in a couple
2. Dealing with affairs and trauma
3. Dealing with abuse and toxic marriages
4. Success and failure predictability of a couple relationship
1. Divorce mediation
2. Marriage law and divorce law in India
3. Family therapy